Blog > Category > Posted: 2023-Jun-29, Updated: 2023-Jun-29

How to prevent condensation problems

Condensation on windows is a common problem that many homeowners face, especially during extreme temperatures. Not only can it be unsightly, but it can also cause damage to your home over time. In this article, we will discuss the causes of condensation and provide you with tips on how to prevent and manage it in your home.

By following these tips, you can keep your home free from condensation issues and maintain a healthy and comfortable living environment.

Basic condensation prevention

  1. Monitor and adjust generated humidity levels in your home to recommended levels, consider using a dehumidifier to remove moisture from the air.

  2. Promote good air circulation in your home by opening blinds and drapes and directing heat towards walls and windows

  3. Promote good ventilation in your home by using bathroom fans, ensuring dryer vent hoods are sealed and unobstructed. Occasionally open two windows at opposite sides of the house for a couple of hours

  4. *Upgrading your windows to more energy-efficient models can help reduce condensation by keeping the interior temperature of your home consistent.

*Best of combined ratings will ensure maximum energy-efficiency

  • look for highest CR-value
  • look for lowest U-value
  • look for highest R-value

A much deeper look

  1. Humidity:
    Use exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens to remove moisture from the air. If you have a humidifier, make sure to keep it at an appropriate level (between 30-50%) and properly maintained.

  2. Ventilation:
    Open windows or use ventilation fans to increase air circulation in your home. This can help prevent moisture buildup.

  3. Poor insulation:
    Adding insulation to your walls, attic, and basement can help regulate the temperature in your home and reduce the likelihood of condensation forming on surfaces.

  4. Monitor indoor plants:
    Indoor plants can contribute to humidity levels in your home. If you notice excess moisture in the air, try moving plants to a sunnier spot or reducing the number of plants in your home.

  5. Check your vents:
    Make sure that your dryer and other vents are properly vented to the outside to prevent excess moisture buildup inside your home.

  6. Use storm windows:
    Adding storm windows to your home can help improve insulation and prevent cold air from coming into contact with warm surfaces, reducing the likelihood of condensation.

  7. Gutters:
    Make sure that your gutters are clean and functioning properly to prevent water from backing up and seeping into your home.

  8. Cracks:
    Seal any cracks or gaps around windows, doors, and walls to prevent cold air from coming into contact with warm surfaces and causing condensation.

  9. Use Moisture-Absorbing Products:
    Use moisture-absorbing products such as silica gel or activated charcoal to absorb excess moisture in small spaces such as closets, pantries, or bathrooms.

  10. Monitor Your HVAC System:
    Make sure that your heating and cooling system is properly sized for your home and that it is functioning efficiently. This can help regulate temperature and humidity levels in your home.

  11. Keep Surfaces Dry:
    Wipe down wet surfaces such as windowsills or bathroom tiles to prevent excess moisture from accumulating.

  12. Use Proper Cookware:
    Use lids on pots and pans while cooking and use a vent hood to remove excess moisture from the air.

  13. Install a Vapor Barrier:
    A vapor barrier is a layer of material that prevents moisture from entering your crawl space. Install a vapor barrier over the ground in your crawl space to prevent excess moisture buildup.

  14. Use Ventilation:
    Proper ventilation is essential for preventing excess moisture buildup in crawl spaces. Install vents in your crawl space to allow air to circulate and prevent stagnant, humid air from accumulating.

  15. Monitor Humidity Levels:
    Use a hygrometer to monitor humidity levels in your crawl space. If humidity levels are consistently above 50%, consider using a dehumidifier to remove excess moisture from the air.

  16. Leaks:
    Check for leaks in your plumbing or foundation and crwal spaces. Fix any leaks in your roof, walls, or pipes to prevent excess moisture from entering your home.

  17. Pipes:
    Insulate cold water pipes to prevent condensation from forming on their surfaces. This can help reduce excess moisture buildup in your crawl space.

  18. Laundry:
    Hanging laundry indoors to dry can contribute to excess moisture in the air and increase the likelihood of condensation forming on surfaces. When wet clothes dry, they release water vapor into the air, which can raise the humidity levels in your home.

  19. Firewood:
    Drying firewood indoors can contribute to excess moisture in the air and increase the likelihood of condensation forming on surfaces. When
    firewood dries, it releases water vapour into the air, which can raise the humidity levels in your home.


Condensation on windows can be a frustrating problem for homeowners, especially during extreme temperatures. By understanding the causes of condensation and implementing the tips outlined in this article, homeowners can prevent and manage condensation issues in their homes.

Maintaining proper ventilation and humidity levels, sealing any cracks or gaps, using moisture-absorbing products, and avoiding excess moisture sources such as indoor drying of laundry and firewood can all help prevent condensation buildup.

With these strategies, homeowners can maintain a comfortable and healthy living environment while avoiding damage to their homes from condensation.

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Need more information?

If you would like to know more about how we can help you reduce window condensation in your home, please give us a call or request more information via our contact form. We’d be happy to answer all of your questions

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