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At Bayview Windows, we love sharing the latest tips, trends, and updates to help you make the best choices for your home.

Video - 8 BIG Reasons Why Bayview Windows?

Why Choose Bayview Windows
Welcome to Bayview Windows, where excellence is our standard and customer satisfaction is our priority. For over three decades, we've proudly served Ottawa and its surrounding areas, earning a reputation that speaks volumes. With thousands of delighted customers, our commitment to delivering value, meticulous attention to detail, and exceptional experiences remains unwavering.

Canadian Greener Homes Initiatives

The Canada Greener Homes Grant and Canada Greener Homes Loan are initiatives introduced by the Government of Canada to support homeowners in making their homes more energy-efficient and sustainable.We get lots of questions regarding what programs are on, and which ones are not. Read on to see our status summary.

Bayview Windows - Small Business Week Award

Bayview Windows Receives Small Business Award
From October 20th to October 26th, 2019, thousands of Canadian small business owners came together to celebrate, learn, and network with other entrepreneurs. As part of the celebration, the Ottawa Business Journal and the Ottawa Board of Trade took a day to celebrate the little guys by sponsoring Ottawa’s inaugural Small Business Awards - honouring companies in the Ottawa area with fewer than 10 employees and a success story to tell.

Video - 9 reasons why - Bayiew Windows

Bayview Windows takes pride in offering its customers premium-quality window & door products, exceptional client-focused sales and a lifetime warranty on installation services.

Update - Green Ontario Fund Window Rebate Program (cancelled June 19th, 2018)

Update - Green Ontario Rebate Program
In December 2017 a window rebate program was announced by the Ontario Green Ontario Fund (Paid for with proceeds collected from the Ontario Carbon Tax). Unfortunately, the funding was terminated by the Ontario Government on June 19th, 2018.

Video - About Bayview Windows

Bayview Windows - Pins to spark your window and door imagination

Thinking about replacing your windows, here's a bunch of ideas that may inspire your choice of window style or even window treatment!

It's always nice when someone else toots our horn!

Bayview Windows is not about making a fast buck. We are not about trying to rush our installations as quickly as possible so that they can move on to the next job (we pay by the hour, not by the job). We are not about trying to monopolise the Ottawa window industry, and we are not about compromising quality for profit. So what are we about? One of our customers says it best!