Bayview Glossary

Drain Hole:

Located on the lower outside part of the sill of a window. Drain hole(s) provide anescape route for any rain water that may enter a window.

Drip Cap

A flashing of metal or vinyl placed above a wall opening (eg: door or window) designed to shed rain water away from the wall of a building.

Egress Window

Egress Window

Egress windows are operational windows providing an emergency exit from the basement of a home. As such they must meet specific provincial safety standards requirements. Egress window exits are usually installed at existing basement window locations, and most often require outside excavation and cutting of the basement slab to allow for a larger window installation.


Emissivity is a measure of the efficiency in which a surface emits thermal energy. It is defined as the fraction of energy being emitted relative to that emitted by a thermally black surface. A the black surface (black body) is a material that is a perfect emitter of heat energy and has an emissivity value of 1.

Energy Rating (ER)

The Energy Rating (ER) is a evaluative rating made by an authorized neutral organization. All window products are assessed using a strict common procedure that measures solar heat gain, heat loss through frames, spacer and glass and air leakage heat loss to come up with an overall product performance rating.

Energy Star Certification

Energy Star Certification

Energy Star certified windows are windows that meet or exceed high efficiency standards. Typically, a certified product is in the top 15 to 30 percent of its class for energy performance. Certified labels should be affixed to product ans should include: U-factor, Energy Rating, etc., climate zone it's certified for, a description of product and materials uses along with certification information.

Fixed lite

Non-venting or non-operable window.

Fixed panel

Non-operable door usually combined with operable door unit.


If a sealed glazing unit fails the moisture or the residue from evaporating moisture that collects on the inside surfaces is called “fogging.”


The main structural element of window comprised of two vertical side jambs and two horizontal components called a head and a sill. The window sash fit(s) inside the window frame.